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  • Tantric Secrets for Men

  • What Every Woman Will Want Her Man to Know About Enhancing Sexual Ecstasy
  • De : Kerry Riley, Diane Riley
  • Lu par : Julian Elfer
  • Durée : 7 h et 20 min

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Tantric Secrets for Men

De : Kerry Riley, Diane Riley
Lu par : Julian Elfer
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    Contains everything a man needs to know in order to be a good lover, based on esoteric traditions of sexual ecstasy.

    • Includes practical and easy-to-follow Tantric rituals and sacred sexuality exercises for a modern lifestyle.
    • Uses real-life stories of couples to show the benefits achieved with the practices.
    • Offers an approach to lovemaking that encompasses all dimensions - physical, emotional, and spiritual.
    • Written by the cocreators of The Secrets of Sacred Sex video.

    Being a good lover isn't easy. With more freedom, knowledge, and body awareness, today's woman knows better than to settle for predictable, performance-based sex. Tantric Secrets for Men offers everything a man needs to know in order to satisfy a woman's physical, emotional, and spiritual yearnings. Employing the ancient secrets of physical ecstasy, men learn to transform rote sex into passionate lovemaking, pleasure into ecstasy, and partnership into union.

    From the expert teachings of a committed couple practicing and teaching ecstatic sexuality in a modern-day context, men will learn how to satisfy a woman on the levels of body, heart, and soul - and how to bring themselves to new heights of ecstasy in the process. The authors draw upon time-honored Tantric and Taoist practices and modern sexology that will enable couples to make love more frequently, achieve higher and prolonged states of orgasmic intensity, experience lovemaking as a sacred endeavor, and deepen loving relationships.

    ©2002 Kerry Riley (P)2015 Audible, Inc.

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