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  • Tales of a Black-Owned Hotwife: The Complete Bundle

  • De : Lena White
  • Lu par : CC Kline
  • Durée : 9 h et 15 min

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Tales of a Black-Owned Hotwife: The Complete Bundle

De : Lena White
Lu par : CC Kline
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Les membres Amazon Prime bénéficient automatiquement de 2 livres audio offerts chez Audible.

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    Five Complete Books in One Volume:

    My Perfect Cuckold

    What is a perfect cuckold?

    My husband.

    Perfect for me, at least, and isn’t that all that matters?

    Well, no, not really.

    But it’s a start.

    A very good one at that.

    So, let me tell you my story…

    My First Bull

    My first bull would set me on my path to becoming a black-owned hotwife.

    I doubted my husband when he told me I should give myself to another man.

    I was shocked at how much I loved it when it finally happened.

    I adored everything about it—fulfilling his every desire, being shared with his friends, trying to have his baby.

    My life changed forever.

    In countless ways.

    My Gangsta Bull

    After my first bull discarded me, I needed a change.

    A big change.


    So I decided to shake things up by living dangerously.

    But I had no idea what I'd gotten myself into.

    Until it was too late.

    I was hooked.

    My Extreme Bull

    “If you want to prove to me that I really do own you, you’ll honor my desire to sell you and go where I tell you to go.”

    Those were the last words my gangsta bull said to me.

    Before he sold me.

    I had a choice—go back to my husband and forget I ever kidded myself about being black-owned.

    Or do what I was told.

    Can you guess what I decided to do?

    My Forever Bull

    The day he bought me, I realized I’d found the man I’d spend my life with.

    Now it was just a matter of figuring out how we would live our lives together.

    How I could do for him what he did for me.

    Which was everything.

    (All five books were previously published and are available separately.)

    ©2022 Lena White (P)2024 Lena White

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