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Couverture de Tainted Love Series: Boxset 1

Tainted Love Series: Boxset 1

De : Violet Rae
Lu par : Molly Briar
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    Playing Wild
    Cade: After six years, I've returned to my hometown—and to Lanie, the woman I left behind. I'm pretty sure she still hates me for the way I left. No note, no goodbye, just there one day and gone the next. But there are reasons I had to leave, why I had no choice but to let her go. The scars of my past run deep, and I know that a man like me can never truly be worthy of the love of a woman as sweet and pure as Lanie.

    Lanie: When Cade left, I was devastated. I've tried to forget him, to move on with my life and forget the feel of his mouth on mine, his hands on my body. But now he's back, bringing with him all the feelings I've tried so hard to bury. Will the past continue to keep us apart, or can we find the courage to move on with our lives? Together?

    Playing Dirty
    Daryl: Nothing prepared me for the sight of her in the flesh. She took my breath away from the moment I saw her, and her natural beauty and warmth pulled me to her like a magnet. I keep telling myself that I have to remain professional, that she's off-limits, but the truth is I need to be near her, even though I can never have her. I've got a job to do, but it's hard to resist her emerald eyes, killer smile, and delectable curves. I can't afford to be distracted and to lose focus, because if I do, it could put us both in grave danger.

    Trish: I was attracted to him the second he walked through the door of the diner where I work. His tall, lean body and ice blue eyes have awakened desires I thought were long dead, and I find myself fantasizing about what lies beneath his civilized veneer. His heated gaze promises all kinds of pleasure, making me ache in secret places, but nothing prepares me for the shock of discovering the real reason he's here, and the pain of knowing he's the type of man I can never give my heart to.

    Playing Hard
    Blake: I have a reputation with women, one I’m more than happy to encourage since my bitter break-up with my fiancée. I’ve vowed never to let another woman get close enough to hurt me again, so one-night stands and casual hook-ups are all I have to offer. But when a voluptuous siren falls into my arms at a costume party, she sets my blood on fire and ignites my dormant heart. When she flees, I go to great lengths to find her and suggest a mutually satisfying arrangement. But once I’ve had a taste of her sweet lips, I know that one night will never be enough. I want her for a lifetime.

    Annie: There's no denying the attraction that simmers between Blake and I, and his proposition is more tempting than I would like to admit. But I have secrets, things that could break me all over again if I let him get too close. Am I brave enough to take a chance on him? A chance that he might fulfil every desire I’ve ever had? I want to escape my past so that I can move on with my future. But will that future include Blake?

    TW: Contains references to drugs and sexual abuse.

    ©2022 Violet Rae (P)2023 Violet Rae
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Érotisme

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