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Couverture de Surrender


De : R. Phoenix, Adara Wolf
Lu par : TJ Clark, Simon Dornet
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    When I was hired to kill Cristiano Fiore, I thought I'd get in, take the shot, and get out. I didn't count on the explosion. I didn't count on him rescuing me.

    I didn't count on him taking care of me, dominating me, and giving me the best sex of my life. I didn't expect the word "Daddy" to make me feel so safe. He's making it harder and harder for me to go back to my old life.

    I know this can't last. I know he doesn't mean it. But every minute together makes me hope for the one thing I haven't dared dream of: a place to belong.


    Mafia life is full of danger, so it's no surprise when I find myself the target of an assassin... but the subsequent explosion seems like overkill.

    When it becomes clear that someone is trying to take out both of us, the only choice is to work together. I've never been a caregiver, or a Daddy, before, but there's something about Fox that makes me want to take care of him in every way imaginable—including the bedroom.

    But when the dust settles and we solve this puzzle, can I really trust someone who tried to kill me not to try again?

    ©2023 R. Phoenix & Adara Wolf (P)2024 R. Phoenix & Adara Wolf

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