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Couverture de Stuck on Night Shift

Stuck on Night Shift

De : J.M. Thyme
Lu par : Anja Harder
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    Jenelle has been working the overnight shift at her company for the past six months, and she has been managing a group of five men attempting to work her way up in the company. With the current news that she has finally made the promotion to a new position on day shift, she is looking forward to so much needed time with her husband. They had gone without sex for so long she had forgotten what it was like, but now her mind was full of naughty ideas for them to catch up on.

    Unfortunately, she had one more night to make it through. She had never realized how attractive the men she had been working with were. She only needs to make it eight hours to get home to her husband for the relief she desperately needs. The workers however seem to have a different plan for her last night, and a very special farewell party planned.

    Stuck on Night Shift is the perfect short story for some naughty erotica fun, getting hot and steamy from beginning to end. This hot wife story has everything for a fun time.

    ©2023, 2024 J.M. Thyme (P)2024 J.M. Thyme
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Érotisme

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