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Couverture de Soaking Wet: Lesbian Sex Stories

Soaking Wet: Lesbian Sex Stories

De : Alex Algren
Lu par : Kaylee West
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    If the thought of bikinis on the beach, cherry red latex miniskirts, or bare shoulders in the backseat make your heart race and your hands wander - don't stop now, because Soaking Wet is bound to keep the dirty fun rolling. Whether they're in pursuit of a new conquest or in the safety of their longtime lover's arms, the women in Soaking Wet are interested in one thing and one thing only: Satisfying their deepest, most insistent desires. In this scintillating collection of lesbian erotica, the women are hot and the sex is hotter. A private wet T-shirt contest passes the time on a scorching afternoon in "Just Another Day at the Beach", by Rachel Kramer Bussel. A female cop's girlfriend discovers her exhibitionist streak when they get caught in the backseat of their car by a fellow officer in Sophie Mouette's "Busted". Lee Cairney's "Cruising" tells the provocative story of a woman posing as a man on the prowl, who gets more than she expected in an encounter with someone like herself. These stories and other lust-filled tales in Soaking Wet are sure to grab you and hold on tight until the earth-shaking, lip-quivering end.

    ©2011 Cleis Press (P)2014 Cleis Press
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : LGBT

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