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Couverture de So Bright the Dawn

So Bright the Dawn

De : Elle Cross
Lu par : Elizabeth Hart, Aiden Snow
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    Once upon a time, I was the only Brightling in the Fold, a hidden realm of nighttime and dark magic. I lived each day scared and cold until the Oracles breathed prophecy upon me. They spoke of dark nights, bright dawns, and deep oceans. And power. So much power.  

    I'd never known real power in the land of eternal darkness. So when the Oracles showed me the way to live a new life, I took it, even if it meant my death.  

    It has been a month since Karina was crowned the Queen of Shadows and Flame. For the first time in her life, she is blessed with the power to protect herself and those she loves. Her inner circle is with her, and her Shadow Guard continues to grow steadily to protect her newly established court in the Shadow Realms.  

    However, Karina's peace is short-lived. When the Prince of the Infernal Throne comes knocking on her door and presents her with an offer she can't refuse, she discovers that her court is not as protected as it should be. With new enemies emerging that threaten the stability of the veils, therefore affecting her court as well, Karina must choose her next allies quickly.  

    But can she trust a prince of hell whose language is full of doublespeak and lies? Or will he be the key of their undoing?  

    Contains mature themes.

    ©2018 Elle Cross (P)2018 Tantor

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