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  • Silent Domination

  • A Language Barrier Erotic Romance
  • De : MJ Creed
  • Lu par : Dawn Mount
  • Durée : 7 h et 12 min

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Silent Domination

De : MJ Creed
Lu par : Dawn Mount
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    His azure eyes spoke the thousands of words he never said, and they were far too beautiful to ignore.

    All I wanted was to meet the right man to dominate me. A man who didn’t have any intention of further commitment outside of the BDSM club. And he found me.

    He saw the SOS of my fist near my shoulder. It was the only sign I knew and all I could manage to do when a bout of mutism took over due to a terrifying burly man in leather. This irresistible alpha male led me to a place where his silent orders would be obeyed without question. He enlightened me to a world where words didn’t need to be spoken and passion was universal. We understood each other, at least I thought we did until he communicated through sign language.

    Domier was a successful entrepreneur whose looks alone had women’s heads turning, but the attraction ended when they expected a conversation. Then he saw Tacy, a woman flashing a sign while in need of help.

    From their first moment, she knew what he desired without a word spoken and her body responded to him in a way he never imagined he would experience. When the day came to break away from their roles as Dom and sub and he signed to her, she stared at him as though he’d spoken to her in a language foreign. But how does a man win over a woman whose words he doesn’t speak?

    Silent Domination is a sizzling erotic romance between a deaf engineer and a neurodiverse woman. This is a stand alone book that contains BDSM and a guaranteed HEA.

    ©2024 MJ Creed (P)2024 MJ Creed
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Érotisme

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