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  • Sexy Large BBW Girls Use Him and Lots of Baby Oil

  • De : Sammy Sweet
  • Lu par : K. Krutz
  • Durée : 39 min

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Sexy Large BBW Girls Use Him and Lots of Baby Oil

De : Sammy Sweet
Lu par : K. Krutz
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    Karen and Sharon are two big girls, and I mean big. They are both very large but also very beautiful and definitely very sexy. Karen is 26 and over 250 pounds, she has long blonde hair and loves to wear sexy spandex. Sharon is a 22 year old black girl with huge boobs, a huge ass and weighs in at around 260 pounds. Both girls love to dress up and Sharon in particular loves to get sexy with baby oil.

    The two girls had been friends for about 2 years and met through a BBW web site. They really enjoyed dressing up and having fun together and they would often get pretty sexual. Neither would consider themselves lesbians but they did enjoy having fun with each other.

    The girls would often go onto the internet and talk to guys who loved the bigger woman and they would sometimes go on cam and let the guy watch as they kissed and fondled each other, they loved to see men getting turned on by them.

    ©2014 Vince Stead (P)2014 Vince Stead
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Érotisme

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