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Couverture de Sensation


De : Isabel Losada
Lu par : Isabel Losada
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    Best-selling author Isabel Losada brings her unique blend of humor, curiosity, and honesty to the still-taboo subject of sexuality. This is a brave, funny, and often vulnerable quest to find out how we can make our sex life blissful.

    On behalf of all women, slightly terrified, she begins with a woman's workshop where she has to get naked. From here, Isabel journeys through the first international conference of clitoral stroking, is informed of 11 different forms of orgasm - 10 of which she hasn't had - endures NHS Kegal exercises and mystical sensations with tantric masters.

    Irreverent yet open-minded, Sensation is both moving and challenging. For anyone who has ever been tempted to dip their toes in the deep waters of sexual exploration, Isabel Losada plunges you straight in.

    ©2017 Isabel Losada (P)2017 Isabel Losada

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