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Couverture de Sealed with a Kiss

Sealed with a Kiss

De : Cassie Cole
Lu par : Bridget Bordeaux
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    What's better than working with one chiseled Navy SEAL?

    Working with three of them.

    I flew to the middle of nowhere to chase down a lead.

    I didn’t know I’d find the man of my dreams in a bar.

    A tall, dark, and handsome veteran with a lusty smile.

    But Roman isn’t just a sexy one-night stand.

    He’s a rival archaeologist.

    And it turns out we’re hunting the same treasure.

    Now we’re in a race to find this priceless artifact.

    A cursed relic that has personal meaning to me.

    But I’m going to need help beating Roman to the treasure.

    A pair of gorgeous Navy SEALs who look like they’re straight out of a modeling calendar.

    And the best part? They’re paid to do whatever I tell them.

    Our mission will take us to the edge of the world.

    From a remote Pacific island, to the frosty tundra of Alaska, to the radiation-scorched exclusion zone of Chernobyl.

    Can my SEALs and I capture the relic before Roman?

    Or will the four of us become entangled along the way?

    Sealed with a Kiss is a military stand-alone reverse harem love story filled with humor, suspense, and non-stop action. HEA guaranteed!

    ©2019, 2020 Cassie Cole (P)2020 Cassie Cole
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Érotisme

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