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Couverture de Saved by Savage

Saved by Savage

De : Monica L. Smith
Lu par : Leilana Tatlonghari
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    Nichelle’s father lost a poker game with a high-roller player. Because he could not pay his debt, to keep from being killed, he gave his 16-year-old daughter’s hand in marriage to Miguel. She was collected by her husband-to-be and kept locked away until her 18th birthday.

    During this time, Miguel groomed her to become his submissive wife. He made her learn his traditions while teaching her the ways of a dutiful wife. However, while he waited for her to come of age, he often allowed other women in their home to satisfy his appetite.

    Miguel married Nichelle on her 18th birthday, and he immediately became possessive and abusive towards her no matter how big or small the problem. He used his quick temper to make her fall into line.

    Nichelle finds out some devastating news and escapes the clutches of Miguel. While on the run, her plane crashes in the Amazon Rainforest, and Savage captures her. But the kind of imprisonment he wants to offer her is totally different from the cage she flew from.

    A savage did not only catch Nichelle; she was saved by one.

    ©2023 Monica L Smith (P)2023 Monica L Smith
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Érotisme

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