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Couverture de Satyress


De : Keera Joel
Lu par : Keera Joel
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    Andi Connor is descended from bad people. With both parents in prison, she’s faithfully attended Northern Lit church since she was practically an embryo in an attempt to avoid their fate. Despite weekly attendance, she still feels lost. She’s out of shape, in debt, and can’t get her small business off of the ground. Her love life is non-existent, and the only person who seems interested is her best friend, Vee, but his apartment is a revolving door. It feels like her life is on autopilot--until the church’s new pastor, Michael Hudson, comes into her life. 

    They share a visceral connection and a chemistry that’s impossible to ignore. As she realizes her deep seated desires, shame and guilt from her strict religious upbringing begin to plague her. And when a once in a lifetime opportunity comes her way, she must make a choice. Saying yes means discovering herself, finally reaching her dreams, and becoming the person she has always wanted to be. But it also means opening herself up and possibly getting her heart crushed. Saying no provides safety and security-but could still leave her feeling trapped, unchanged. 

    This book contains portrayals of consensual non-monogamy, BDSM, and abuse, and is not suited for minors.

    ©2020 Keera Joel (P)2021 Keera Joel

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