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Couverture de Ruthless Rustanovs: The Complete Boxset Collection

Ruthless Rustanovs: The Complete Boxset Collection

De : Theodora Taylor
Lu par : Clementine Dove
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    4 Complete Novels: ALEXEI: Her Rustanov Billionaire

    Her ex is back and he wants revenge.

    But what will he do when he finds out the real reason she dumped him…And about their secret baby?

    Alexei Rustanov, wants nothing more than to leave his past behind, including the sassy Texas beauty, Eva St. James, who so callously broke his heart back when he was a poor grad student.

    But when he runs into her at a wedding eight years after their tumultuous break-up, passions ignite and Alexei decides he will settle for nothing less than red-hot, dirty, and oh-so-erotic revenge.

    NIKOLAI: Her Rustanov Surrender

    All Sam has ever wanted is a nice, normal family with a nice, normal man. The arrogant hockey player who claims he doesn’t believe in love right before he offers to “eat her for breakfast,” is about as far from that as a girl can get.

    Soon after meeting Nikolai, Sam forms an unexpected bond with a tragically orphaned boy who turns out to be his nephew. Determined to acquire the beautiful social worker as a caretaker for his previously unknown ward and a conquest for his bed, Nikolai moves Sam and her useless dog into his mansion.

    BAIR: Her Rustanov Beast

    HIM: She showed up in my dark world and pulled me into her light. And then she ran away. For six long years, she kept herself hidden from me. She is my wife. My siren. My everlasting obsession. Did she really think I would just let her go? HER: He’s the domineering monster I had to escape. The only place him and me work right is in bed. And now that he’s found me, he’s determined to take every scrap of dignity I have left.

    IVAN: Her Rustanov Brute.

    Sola: Ivan Rustanov is a total jackhole. He has no conscience, and he’s no holds barred dangerous–the kind of guy you just know has a body count in his back story. And now he’s forcing me to stay in his remote mountain home as his prisoner until Spring. He wants me in his bed, but that will NEVER happen. I hate him. Or at least I should. Shouldn’t I?

    ©2015 Theodora Taylor (P)2022 Theodora Taylor

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