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  • Pulling Rapunzel's Hair

  • The Urban Erotica Fairy Tale Collection, Book 8
  • De : Honey Cummings
  • Lu par : Chase Johnson
  • Durée : 1 h et 5 min

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Pulling Rapunzel's Hair

De : Honey Cummings
Lu par : Chase Johnson
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    Rapunzel Ramone is a local punk-rock girl notorious for both her bass playing skills and leaving the boys weak in the knees.

    Red calls her in for a favor when a cover band desperately needs a bass replacement. Always happy to have a good time, Rapunzel finds herself hot and heavy on stage, and it's not the cam lights overhead! But like any dive bar gig, the show comes with its share of dangers and fun.

    Jasper Holden has heard a lot from his pal Bob how epic a player Rapunzel can be both on and off stage. Happy to have her part of the band for the night, he can't stop himself from falling for her, their synergy sparking an attraction they can't hide. Something about her attitude and aura has him hot and bothered, desperate for relief on every break as they both dodge voracious fans.

    ©2022 Honey Cummings (P)2022 Honey Cummings

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