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Couverture de Nocturnes & Nightmares

Nocturnes & Nightmares

De : Keri Lake
Lu par : Alexander Cendese, Lidia Dornet
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    The most terrifying monsters aren't found in dreams....

    Four young socialites have gone missing in the Chicago area. Two found dead, bearing the signature marks of a brutal serial killer. With the kind of tragedy that mars Nola Tensley's past, she should be concerned, but without a pot to piss in, all the struggling single mom cares about is making a normal life for her son.

    After all, she's clearly not the murderer's type. Or is she?

    When Rhett Voss, an enigmatic and handsome stranger, answers her ad for the outdated in-law suite at the back of her property, offering double her asking price, Nola really can't refuse. Even though the supposed Wall Street Wolf seems better suited for a high-rise downtown - a suspicion that quickly turns into hindsight once she submits to the flirtations of her charming new tenant and, consequently, unearths a series of disturbing revelations.

    Her curiosities lead her down the path of a madman whose moniker, The Sandman, only hints at the grisly nature of his crimes. He's smart. Evasive. A cunning psychopath with a twisted method of disposing his victims.

    And his hunting grounds are hitting too close to home.

    Contains mature themes.

    ©2019 Keri Lake (P)2020 Tantor

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