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Couverture de Nectar of the Wicked

Nectar of the Wicked

De : Ella Fields
Lu par : Antonia Thowdey
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    For twenty years, I was an unwanted changeling with no name, no family, and no answers.

    Until an irresistibly wicked faerie begins a seductive game of cat and mouse. I am his prey. His treasure. A perfect pet.

    He offers a trade: he will take me to the faerie realms to help me find the truth of who I am. In return, I must agree to marry him.

    But nothing is as it seems, and soon after arriving at his wintry manor, I begin to unravel a dangerous web of lies.

    Far deadlier still, I'm falling in love with a monster who has no heart.

    ©2024 Ella Fields (P)2024 Hodder & Stoughton Limited


    'I gobbled this book up! Between the lies, betrayals, twists, turns, and scorching heat, I couldn't get enough of Nectar of the Wicked. Forget morally grey, this was pitch black, and I was here for every moment of it. A must-read for every lover of romantasy!' (Nisha J. Tuli, Bestselling author of Trial of the Sun Queen)

    'This fae romance is darkly decadent and thoroughly addicting. It completely swept me away with every sizzling chapter and left me wanting more.' (Raven Kennedy, international bestselling author of The Plated Prisoner series)

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