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Couverture de My Secret Life. Volume Eight Chapter Eleven

My Secret Life. Volume Eight Chapter Eleven

De : Dominic Crawford Collins
Lu par : Dominic Crawford Collins
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    My Secret Life is an anonymously penned memoir written during a period from the 1840s to the 1880s by a wealthy and sex obsessed English gentleman who refers to himself simply as ‘Walter’. Part confessional, part investigative erotic journalism, it meticulously documents every detail of the author’s prolific sexual encounters, offering us in the process an eye and thigh opening account of life behind closed doors in the Victorian age.

    Women, in both mind and body, were the all consuming object of Walter’s interest. From early youth through to old age his quest for erotic discovery and adventure with them was never diminished.

    Unlike contemporary 19th century erotic texts, such as The Pearl, whose sole object was to titillate, Walter’s interest in his subjects did not end with the extinguishing of the carnal flame. His hunger to understand the circumstances and minds of the women he encountered is never upstaged by the sex. Their potted life histories, their most intimate desires and acts were shared with him and in turn meticulously recorded by him, written down verbatim while still fresh in his mind.

    The resulting poignant record of a lost era and the intimate moments of the women who inhabited it offer us a remarkable insight into the 19th century that cannot be gleaned from any other source.

    The complete unabridged text is being released as a fully scored audiofilm (an audio book with accompanying music soundtrack) by film composer Dominic Crawford Collins.


    Change in style in writing this narrative. • Reckless amours. • Nelly L**l*e and Sophy S***h. • Neophyte harlots. • A first night out. • Madame S***k*n*us. • Cuntal contrasts. • A lascivious evening. • Their antecedents and future. • Nelly's face, form, and quim. • Voluptuous complacency. • Her after life. • My tastes for being gamahuched. • Externals of sodomites. • Fantastic male lascivieties. • Champagne and sperm. • Dildo and arse-hole. • Birching tried on me. • Policemen's forbearance. • One in plain clothes. • Nelly's illness and my aid. • Sophy's face, figure, and colour. • Her sliggery pudenda. • Vulgarity and voice. • Married, mother, and widowed. • Harlotting resumed. • Drunken and degraded. • Love in her armpits.

    ©2024 Dominic Crawford Collins (P)2024 Dominic Crawford Collins

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