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Couverture de Memoirs of a Pornographer

Memoirs of a Pornographer

De : William Martin
Lu par : William Martin, aka mwg
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    My promise...partake in this x-rated extravaganza, meet a bevy of remarkable women, and immerse yourself in one "guilty pleasure" after another!!!

    From the Golden Age of Pornography, the 1970s and 80s, porn producer William Martin rolls out his life story. "After a somewhat conventional childhood I succumbed to the lure of easy riches, leveraged my college education and became one of porn's most sought-after 'stunt-c..ks.'

    From my first sexual experience (albeit with me PLUS one) to a jaunt through 'The Sodom and Gomorrah of Self-Indulgence,' I jumped from one hedonistic romp to another attempting to purge myself from the monsters of inadequacy living inside my head. These demons and an endless supply of hormonal delights are laid bare with candor, humor, and self-deprecation. While writing, directing, and plastering "Mr. Happy & the Twins" on hundreds of theater screens, I hung out with a cast of free-spirited characters; directors, porn stars, wannabe starlets, hookers, and the "Founding Fathers" of porn.

    "Memoirs of a Pornographer" is a coming of age story touching on every emotion; a personal odyssey; the paradox of gorging on unquenchable debauchery while desperately searching for intimacy.

    YOU'RE IN FOR A TREAT!!! The audiobook of "Memoirs" is ready. So, if you're dying to hear my story in my own words, wait no more!!!
    Surprise...The audio version contains a number of vignettes not found in the original. Stories friends dared me to publish including “The 10 Commandments of Porn,” “The Wrap Party,” “You Don't Have to Say You Love Me,” and the totally inappropriate “One Night in Bangkok,” a story so salacious, shameful, and revealing that...As much as I miss my mom I’m glad she’s in a place where it’s not available.

    ©2022 MOAP22LLC (P)2024 MOAP22LC

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