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Master's Sissy Sex Slaves

De : Alicia Castelle
Lu par : Jackie Marie
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The sight of that old man taking my best friend forever changed me. There’s no going back. I’m a total sissy now.

Ethan is a pretty boy. He’s also a naughty boy. A two-bit criminal, Ethan is always on the lookout for the next score, the next heist, the next job. Which is why, when he hears of a money filled safe in an old man’s house, he jumps at the chance. An ace safe-cracker, all he needs is a little time alone with the safe to unlock it. That opportunity arises in the form of a rather unique employment opportunity.

The old man, Mr. Russell Hudson, a retired newspaper magnate, is looking for a pair of helping hands around the house. The catch? He wants them young and smooth...and in slutty maid uniforms. In order to secure time alone with the safe, Ethan enlists his friend, Henry, a hot, slender, tan young man who also happens to be a crook. If Henry can distract Old Man Russell Hudson for long enough, Ethan can access the cash in the safe.

Of course, Henry takes some convincing on the whole slutty maid uniforms aspect of the job. Eventually, he comes around, after Ethan drops the figure: $80,000. It’s enough to bend his masculinity, so Henry goes along with the scheme. With the plan set, they submit lurid photos of themselves to Hudson in lieu of resumes. The lecherous old retiree hires them and they’re off to the races.

When they show up for their first day on the job, however, it’s anything but what they expected. Hudson answers the door in an open robe, revealing a formidable piece of equipment they can’t help but fixate on. Then, the outfits are tight and revealing, including lacy undergarments and stiletto heels. What’s more, they must change in front of their new employer, showing him their nude forms before they subject themselves to feminization. Still, with that sweet money on their minds, they proceed to jump through Hudson’s various hoops.

©2021 Alicia Castelle (P)2022 Alicia Castelle
  • Version intégrale Livre audio
  • Catégories : Érotisme
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