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Couverture de MILF: Pounding the Birthday Milf

MILF: Pounding the Birthday Milf

De : Laura Hive, Milf Deluxe
Lu par : Jim Roberts
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    As the manager of Greg's Grill, I see my fair share of girls, young and old, pass through here. If I wanted to, I could have them all - but that's not how I conduct myself. How would it look to my staff if I were to have my way with them all? In Montrose, Houston, the nights are hot and sticky, and in that sort of clime, with temperatures rising, it's easy to lose yourself in the flesh on display. Though I'm a man of standards, those standards sometimes slip, and this is my story of one such occasion. I thought I was doing the right thing, offering a little comfort where it was needed most. Instead, I let my guard down and left my heart open, along with my pants. But instead of a guilty conscious, I felt renewed, reawakened, and for the first time in my adult life, I was ready to move on and live.

    I thought she was the vulnerable one, the one in need. I was wrong.

    Warning: contains sexually explicit scenes suitable for ages 18+ only.

    ©2015 Laura Hive (P)2015 Laura Hive
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Érotisme

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