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  • Luxury Suite

  • A Fantasy Unlimited Freeuse Story (Fantasy Unlimited Bed & Breakfast, Book 1)
  • De : Hank Dolworth
  • Lu par : Logan McAllister
  • Durée : 1 h et 32 min

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Luxury Suite

De : Hank Dolworth
Lu par : Logan McAllister
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    When I was gifted a VIP membership to a luxury chain of bed and breakfasts, I expected a cozy room and a free meal in the morning.

    I couldn't have been more wrong; I received much more than a complimentary bottle of water.

    I was met at the door by a knockout blonde who introduced herself as Kirsten. She explained she was my toy for the week. I have an open marriage and a hot wife waiting for me at home. I have a green light to enjoy some dirty filthy fun with Kirsten. My gracious hostess bent over the front desk to welcome me in the deepest way possible. Now I’m ready to find my luxury suite, unpack, and discover more about this Fantasy Unlimited Bed & Breakfast resort.

    ©2022 Hank Dolworth (P)2024 Hank Dolworth

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