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Couverture de Irresistible Nights

Irresistible Nights

De : Kaylee Monroe
Lu par : Lia Langola
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    It was supposed to be nothing more than a hot, steamy one night stand. No names. No strings. Until I found out that he’s my father’s new business partner. He was a gorgeous, sexy real estate magnate over twenty years older than me. I was a young businesswoman looking for an uncomplicated, good time. He gave me that, and so much more. We shared one sinfully hot night together and I tip-toed out of his life, leaving just a thank you note behind. I thought I’d never see him again, until he showed up the following afternoon.

    With my father, who introduced him as his new business partner.

    Denton was even hotter during the day, with his power suits and the manner of a man who knew what he wanted. His searing gaze set me on fire and made it clear that despite me sneaking out on him, it wasn’t over between us yet.

    My father couldn’t know about us, but I couldn’t stay away, either.

    The conflict was tearing me apart.

    Irresistible Nights is a steamy age gap, dad's best friend romance with a guaranteed happily ever after!

    ©2024 Kaylee Monroe (P)2024 Kaylee Monroe

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