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Couverture de I Know She Was There

I Know She Was There

De : Jennifer Sadera
Lu par : Emily Ellet
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    Be careful what you see when you shouldn’t be looking.

    Residents of the posh Upstate New York neighborhood of Deer Crossing enjoy all the amenities wealth provides. From drive-up dog-grooming to monthly botox parties, these lucky suburbanites have everything they could ever want. And one thing they don’t. Stalker Caroline Case, who wheels her infant along their streets each night with just one spy on anyone too careless or too foolish to close their window blinds.

    Convinced the owners of the impressive homes are living a dream existence, the troubled new mom hopes to escape her working-class life by prying secrets from the unsuspecting. But the fairy tale twists into a nightmare when she sees something she shouldn’t. Something that shatters her illusions about the people in the privileged community she’s obsessed with, even as she begins to doubt what she saw.

    As Caroline investigates the event, shocking secrets are laid bare, and nothing is as it seems. She knows she must prove something sinister occurred in Deer Crossing or risk letting someone get away with murder.

    For fans of The Woman in the Window by A. J. Finn, The Breakdown by B. A. Paris, and The Silent Patient by Alex Michaelides.

    ©2024 Jennifer Sadera (P)2024 CamCat Books

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