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Couverture de Harvesting Love: A Steamy LBGTQ Thanksgiving Romance

Harvesting Love: A Steamy LBGTQ Thanksgiving Romance

De : Jax Wilder
Lu par : Timotheus Hucklestone
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    Unwrap the magic of a steamy holiday romance with "Harvesting Love".

    Step into Coral Cove, where the magic of Thanksgiving brings love and passion to life in this heartwarming and tantalizing LGBTQ romance.

    Meet Park: A devoted bookshop owner in the enchanting seaside town of Coral Cove. For Park, Thanksgiving is more about family anxiety than holiday cheer, until a chance encounter changes everything.

    Enter Ben: A man scarred by loss, looking for a fresh start in Coral Cove. His chance meeting with Park in the quaint bookstore sparks more than just friendly conversation.

    A serendipitous encounter: When Park and Ben's paths cross, the chemistry is instant and undeniable. What begins as an innocent meeting soon turns into a night of passion and deep connection.

    As Park and Ben spend more time together, their bond deepens, revealing past wounds and the promise of a future filled with love. Can they overcome their personal fears and embrace the magic of love that Coral Cove has to offer?

    Why you'll love "Harvesting Love":

    • A Gripping Love Story: Perfect for fans of LGBTQ romances that blend heartfelt emotion with sizzling passion.
    • Steamy Encounters: Scenes that heat up the cool autumn nights.
    • Enchanting Setting: The charming coastal town of Coral Cove, rich with holiday spirit and romantic allure.
    • Emotional Depth: A story of healing, acceptance, and the transformative power of love.
    ©2024 Jax Wilder (P)2024 Rainbow Quartz Publishing

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