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Friends with Benefits

De : Ruan Willow
Lu par : Ruan Willow, Motorboatin' Matt, David Myers
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    Wife's First Threesome and his too: An All Virgin FMM: Mike and Amanda both secretly have always wanted a threesome. One day, Mike talks to his neighbor friend, poor sexless Aaron, and the topic of threesome sex comes up. Aaron is very agreeable when Mike gives him an invite and their threesome date is set. All three of them are virgins to threesomes so their birth into the sexual escapade is a three-way birth into the world of multiple partners. Their anticipation is high, their lust is mutual, and the passion is ready to rage!

    Finger Licking Good Threesome Roommate Rendezvous Hookup: Sam and Mariana are dating, and the roommate Jordan is prepping dinner with Mariana while Sam is at the gym. Jordan wants an opinion on his homemade sauce, and he offers his sauce-coated finger for Mariana to taste. She is a horny girl and gets a little carried away. The erotic aura burns out of their interaction and when Sam arrives home, things between the three of them heat up quick!

    Waking to His Alarm Cock: Zane, his high school sweetheart and her best friend fell into a threesome relationship one night when the inebriated women kissed. That event launched them into a sexy triad, and no one wanted it to end. The problem was, they'd need to hide their relationship from their daughter and the elementary school because Lissa was a kindergarten teacher. After a night of intense passion, they conk out, but wake up hot. Who needs an alarm clock when he's got an alarm cock?

    The Accidental Threesome, Roommates Who Finally Had Some Fun: Ashley had been friend-zoned by her two male roommates. She was really horny and had hoped living with them in an apartment might mean occasional sexy fun, but that had not happened, no matter how hard to tried to send signs. She was hopeless, sexless, and hot. They come together as friends and decide how they can finally all have some fun together, friends with benefits style!

    Contains multiple partners, light BDSM spanking, & cheating.

    ©2024 Pink Infinity Publshing LLC (P)2024 Pink Infinity Publishing LLC
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Érotisme

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