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Forbidden Games

De : Katee Robert
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    From the author of Neon Gods and the Dark Olympus series comes a must-read 2-in-1 book, perfect for fans of Ana Huang.

    When you are drawn to someone you can’t have, do you run away from the danger or toward it?

    Make Me Want

    Lucy Baudin’s ex did a number on her self-esteem, but she’s about to make partner at her law firm and it’s time to get her groove back. So she hires Gideon Novak, cut-throat headhunter and her ex’s best friend, to give her confidence lessons in the bedroom. Gideon has pined for her for years, and now, teaching her about touch, trust and letting go is opening up a world of risks. Is this a mistake for them both? Or will they each find something they never knew they wanted?

    Make Me Crave

    Of all the private islands in all the world, he kayaked into hers. Allie Landers just enjoyed the best holiday sex with an irresistible stranger – only to find out he’s no stranger. Dealmaker Roman Bassani has been pressuring Allie into taking on investors for her women-focused fitness company. After that accidental encounter, they agree to put business aside for one week. Then it’s back to the real world – and their real rivalry. What happens to their opposing interests when they return from paradise?

    Perfect for fans of:

    Billionaire & millionaire

    Opposites attract

    Workplace romance


    Holiday romance

    ©2025 Katee Hird (P)2025 HarperCollins Publishers
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Romance

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