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  • Date 'Em Like You Hate 'Em

  • How to Keep Your Balls and Have a Fulfilling Love Life in Today's Cutthroat Dating World
  • De : Dante Dylan
  • Lu par : Dante Dylan
  • Durée : 1 h et 39 min
  • 3,0 out of 5 stars (1 notation)

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Date 'Em Like You Hate 'Em

De : Dante Dylan
Lu par : Dante Dylan
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    If you'd like to be the kind of man beautiful women just can't resist being attracted to... no matter what you look like or how much money you make, then this new audiobook will show you how.

    This audiobook is short, to the point, and controversial.

    To help decide if you want to listen, here are some secrets inside:

    • How to manipulate a woman's menstrual cycle to get her so attracted to you... she won't be able to help but love you and fantasize about you.
    • A secret biological 'hack' you can play on your body to start sending off scents designed to turn women on in your presence.
    • A 'ninja' way to use the infamous friend zone (when a woman tells you she "just wants to be friends") to make her MORE attracted to you!
    • Two MORE ways to turn the friend zone to your advantage.
    • How to radiate confidence and value (two things women LOVE and can't help but be attracted to) even if you have zero self-esteem now.
    • And much more....

    ©2013 Dante Dylan (P)2014 Dante Dylan

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