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  • Cuckold Erotica: The Complete My Husband, My Cuckold Series

  • De : Raven Merlot
  • Lu par : Shannon Abood
  • Durée : 3 h et 45 min

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Cuckold Erotica: The Complete My Husband, My Cuckold Series

De : Raven Merlot
Lu par : Shannon Abood
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    The story starts Lisa discovering her husband's infidelity. She'd suffered these feelings of humiliation, of inadequacy, and of powerlessness over and over again but she's decided that it was time he understood what it was doing to her. Filled with righteous indignation, she gives him the ultimatum: She gets to have a lover as well and James has to watch it happen. Terrified by the prospect of losing his wife, James agrees, only to be horrified when the man she chooses is one of his oldest friends. Neither James nor Lisa expect this humiliating act of cuckoldry to be the missing piece to their marriage and way of life neither will be willing to give up!

    The cuckolding of James continues as his wife takes more lovers and humiliates him further in their presence. The story expands when one of these lovers, Jarrod, eventually marries and hopes that his wife will have other men as well. Unfortunately for them, Jarrod ends up hating the experience and has to deal with his own feelings of inadequacy. It's too late to go back though - his formerly innocent wife has gotten a taste of what it means to have other men and she won't give that up!

    ©2016 Kumquat Publishing (P)2016 Raven Merlot
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Érotisme

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