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Couverture de Corrupt Shadows

Corrupt Shadows

De : Rebecca L. Garcia, CM Hutton
Lu par : Corvin King, Laura Horowitz, Marcella Black, Kayden Lukakis, Chasley Styles
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    The Witch…

    Nine years ago, I killed my brother, and I’ve been running from my past ever since.

    I find a home in Darkwood, finally safe from those who hunt me. But no matter what I do, the darkness keeps pulling me in.

    I allow my shadow magic to edge closer to the surface to feel something, anything. But no matter how much I want to embrace the power, I can’t. My magic thirsts for violence but I won’t let it kill again. It remains dormant... until he shows up.

    A masked man watches me from the mirrors, stalking my dreams.

    He haunts me, unraveling my thoughts until I’m not sure what to believe. I move closer to the edge and I’m afraid of what I’ll become if I let him in.

    I can’t lose control. If I do, then I’m already dead.

    The Demon…

    I’ve spent a century trapped in the Shadow Realm, a purgatory created for me and my demons.

    I watch the humans through mirrors, waiting for the moment I can find a way to leave and return to my domain. But I never found a way. Until now.

    She’s everything I’ve been waiting for. The last descendant of the only bloodline that can free me.

    I stalk her from the shadows, watching her every move. Her dark magic calls to me, craving for me to unleash it.

    The closer she draws to the shadows, the more she’s within my grasp. Obsession takes over, pulling me into her world.

    If she won’t unleash her power, then I will make her.

    Corrupting a soul has never felt so good.

    Corrupt Shadows is a dark, gothic romance with dark themes that may be triggering.

    ©2024 Rebecca L. Garcia & CM Hutton (P)2024 Rebecca L Garcia & CM Hutton
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Érotisme

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