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Couverture de Brooklyn Unbound

Brooklyn Unbound

De : Brooke Dean
Lu par : Kimberly Yvonne Steele
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    From the outside looking in, Brooklyn was a woman who had it all—a thriving career, loving friends and family, and the affections of any man she wanted. But behind closed doors, she was afraid she might be falling apart.

    None of the sexy men she once enjoyed could satisfy her anymore, craving new desires considered taboo. She tried to keep these desires buried within herself, but a need Brooklyn couldn’t control was growing inside her, getting stronger every day—pushing her to make decisions she knew she’d never be able to come back from.

    Insert “J”, a delicious specimen of a man who would turn her life upside down, fueling her desires in ways she never could have imagined and exposing her to the darker side of her sexuality.

    Following “J” down his erotic rabbit hole surprisingly brings Brooklyn closer to discovering parts of herself she never knew existed, and she surprises herself by reveling in every single lesson he wants to teach her.

    Her burgeoning sex life begins to wreak havoc on every aspect of her world, and on top of all the chaos, the hardest part is keeping her heart out of the equation. For Brooklyn, discovering the pleasures of being bound and gagged has left her tied up in a pile of unintended emotional knots. Will she be able to set herself free?

    ©2022 Brooke Dean (P)2022 Brooke Dean
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Érotisme

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