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Couverture de Bound by the Beast

Bound by the Beast

De : Cerys du Lys
Lu par : Yael Maritz
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    From USA Today best-selling author Cerys du Lys

    Hunted and claimed, taken and used, now bound by fate, Danya is forced to discover the truth about the Beast and his curse. Does she exist for his pleasure, some plaything for a monster, or is there more? Is there love beyond Everett's beast-cursed and gruff exterior?

    Just as Danya and Everett come to terms with their screwed-up situation, everything rushes back into darkness. A rogue fallen angel is on a rampage, intent on destroying everything and everyone within the hidden mansion in the woods. Alena is missing, having stolen the witch's rose. And now the witch herself, Beatrix, enters the fray, plotting to reclaim what's rightfully hers. Is she only there for the rose, though, or is there more to her story?

    Once upon a time, Danya lived a peaceful life. Not now, though. All she wanted was more love, more companionship, a better life. Instead she found a deceitful ruse of magic and obsession, hate, dark regrets, and deep-seated grief. Will her previous aspirations lead to an untimely end?

    Used by the Beast, by the town, by men who seduced her with sweet whispers and then abandoned her once they were sated, Alena refuses to accept defeat. She stole the rose hoping it could help her find love, but what if its magic doesn't work that way? The century rose is as likely to grant her deepest wishes as it is to twist her thoughts into depraved lust.

    Amid illicit sex, unknown fear, betrayal, reckless abandon, and mortal injury, will any of them find their way? Or will they become lost, all hope destroyed, forever bound by the cursed fate of the Beast?

    Bound by the Beast is a loosely based erotic reimagining of the classic Beauty and the Beast.

    ©2014 Cerys du Lys (P)2015 Cerys du Lys

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