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Couverture de Bonded by Thorns

Bonded by Thorns

De : Elizabeth Helen
Lu par : Laurent Darnell, Todd Roddington, Hunter Johns, Josie Gold, Robin Speare
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    A Beauty and the Beast Fantasy Romance Retelling

    Four handsome fae princes.

    One awkward bookworm.

    An Enchanted Vale.

    A beastly curse to break.

    Rosalina O’Connell lives her life in Orca Cove as quietly as she can.

    When her father turns up missing, Rosie goes after him and finds herself in the Enchanted Vale, the land of the fae. Where her father has been imprisoned and Rosie has no choice but to make a deal with four fae Princes to take his place.

    As Rosie begins to learn more about the four Princes, she discovers that they have been cursed. The Princes must take on the form of demonic wolves every night and with every year that passes, more of their magic fades away.

    If the Princes can each find their mate, they will break their curse and free their realm. Rosie is determined to help them…

    The only problem is, the more time she spends with the Princes, the more she’s convinced that she’s the one they’re all meant to be with.

    A spicy Beauty and the Beast retelling filled with enchanted fae, morally grey characters, a stupidly hot villain and a Princess who has found her Prince Charming. All four of them.

    Spice: 3/5


    Fated Mates

    Forced proximity

    Grumpy x sunshine

    Enemies to lovers

    Why choose

    Reverse harem

    Enchanted Castle

    Awkward Sunshine FMC

    Touch her and die

    Magical Winter Solstice Ball

    Sword crossing

    Hot Villain

    ©2023 Elizabeth Helen (P)2024 HarperCollins Publishers


    'My newest fantasy escape! Bonded By Thorns is a sweeping introduction to an enchanted fae world brimming with magic, mystery, and romance. Elizabeth Helen expertly combine fractured fairytales and beloved romantasy tropes to craft a compelling story with great characters'

    Emily Rath, USA Today bestselling author of North is the Night

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