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Couverture de Bloom & Dark

Bloom & Dark

De : Regina Watts
Lu par : Sierra Kline
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    Get the audiobook edition of Regina Watts's ultra-steamy first harem novel - and hear the story read to you by Sierra Kline!

    Rorke Burningsoul, Paladin of Weltyr, has been betrayed.

    With the object of his most recent quest stolen out from under him, Rorke has been left for dead in the treacherous Nightlands: a place hateful to all surface-dwellers, full of things the human - even the elfin - eye has never seen. Gray-faced berich dwarves, frightful half-spider misshapens - and, of course, the sensual and dark-complexioned durrow elves, a race of power-hungry women who live in service to the goddess Roserpine.

    Praise Weltyr, Rorke is rescued by two such splendid durrow - and told that, in exchange for his life, he must now submit to slavery as, among other things, breeding stud to the female race. He willingly agrees, hopeful that his obedience will help him find a way out of the Nightlands and back to the business of retrieving the lost artifact: But when the Materna of the durrow city decides during his appraisal that she needs a new guard, he is soon surprised to find himself taken, heart and soul, by the exquisite durrow high priestess known as Valeria.

    But Valeria's need of a personal guard is not just some ruse to keep her new slave in her bedroom without controversy - would that it were. The high priestess' life is at stake, and as her assassins' attacks grow more frequent all the time, she needs the assistance of a man capable of keeping himself alive along with her.

    Who better than a paladin she's seen in dreams for decades?

    Mature listeners only! This fantasy harem adventure in the style of Dungeons & Dragons contains explicit encounters between the lucky hero and many gorgeous women he encounters on his quest. Use discretion when purchasing.

    ©2021 Regina Watts (P)2021 Regina Watts

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