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Couverture de Bikini Nights

Bikini Nights

De : Michael Dalton
Lu par : Zachary Zaba, Mandy McCullough
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    For a decade, I left my broken heart on the shelf to raise my daughter Maddie alone. Then Lexie and Olivia came into my life, and things have never been the same since.

    But enjoying the affections of two beautiful, complex women is one thing. Navigating the nuances of love with both of them at once is another altogether. It soon proves to be a challenge that extends well beyond the three of us.

    When Olivia’s family grows increasingly unhappy with our unconventional relationship, I have to grapple with maintaining an equilibrium between my desire to support her and her quest for emotional independence. Before we can untangle this intricate web, the unexpected return of my ex-wife shakes the foundations of both my life and Maddie’s.

    Caught in the intersection of Maddie's past and my future, we're all forced to redefine the essence of love and family. The four of us must confront the true meaning of letting go–whether it's an act of healing and love, or the only way to move forward.

    ©2024 Michael Dalton (P)2024 Royal Guard Publishing LLC

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