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Couverture de Between Husbands and Friends

Between Husbands and Friends

De : Nancy Thayer
Lu par : Cassandra Campbell
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    Now available for the first time in audio, this poignant novel by New York Times best-selling author Nancy Thayer tells the engrossing story of two women, two families, and a shocking revelation that changes everything.

    When Lucy West and Kate Cunningham meet, the two spirited young women recognize kindred spirits in each other. Both Lucy and Kate married early and lack complete confidence in the brave new world of mothering. As their friendship deepens, their lives become fully intertwined. With husbands and children in tow, they spend glorious summers together in a large house on Nantucket island, sailing and feasting on lobster - and when their husbands are back on the mainland, the two women even get a chance to kick up their heels. The closest of allies, Lucy and Kate share their highs and lows, their joys and darkest secrets.

    Or so Kate thought. One summer, in the midst of a devastating family crisis, Lucy reveals a truth she has long kept hidden from her best friend. And in the aftermath of this astonishing revelation, the lives of the Wests and the Cunninghams will never be the same.

    Praise for the novels of Nancy Thayer

    “The queen of beach books.” —The Star-Ledger

    “Thayer has a deep and masterly understanding of love and friendship, of where the two complement and where they collide.” —Elin Hilderbrand

    “Thayer’s gift for reaching the emotional core of her characters [is] captivating.” Houston Chronicle

    “One of my favorite writers.” —Susan Wiggs

    “Thayer portrays beautifully the small moments, inside stories and shared histories that build families.” The Miami Herald

    “Thayer’s sense of place is powerful, and her words are hung together the way my grandmother used to tat lace.” —Dorothea Benton Frank

    ©1999 Nancy Thayer (P)2018 Brilliance Publishing, Inc., all rights reserved. Introduction © 2014 by Nancy Thayer.

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