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Couverture de Asher's Answer

Asher's Answer

De : Anna Sparrows
Lu par : Zachary Zaba
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    When Asher Scanlon's dad discovers his Little items, Asher finds himself kicked out of home. Fate follows that up with a healthy serve of 'walking in on your boyfriend cheating on you', which is the last thing he needs.

    Homeless and close to a breakdown, Ash doesn't think things can get any worse...then his college campus Security calls the cops on him.

    Meanwhile, Officer Charlie Walker is a Daddy convinced his unicorn Little is not out there. He can't keep a strict routine and wants to find a man who can be his equal as well as his little boy. Someone whose little side is fluid, who doesn't mind that Charlie's work schedule can be unpredictable, but who still likes someone to nurture and care for them.

    What are the chances this anxious little who has just fallen into Charlie's lap fits that bill?

    CW: While this is a low-angst, sweet & cute, instant-attraction romance, this book contains brief mentions of homophobia, domestic abuse, gun violence, anxiety and panic attacks. This book is an MM Age Play/Age Regression romance between consenting adults and does include ABDL and wetting. This book contains elements that are suitable for ages 18 and over.

    ©2022 Anna Sparrows (P)2024 Anna Sparrows

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