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Addicted to Curves

De : Jolene Dubois
Lu par : Katrina Medina
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    Ashley was the baby of the family, and she turned out to be the prettiest of them all, but being blessed with cover girl looks did not exempt her from also inheriting the dreaded Durand booty that had been the bane of her existence since puberty. She hated having a big butt. It was hard to find clothes that fit properly, guys were always staring, and girls were always making fun, calling her names like Ass-ley or the blonde Kardashian.

    Because of all that, she was perpetually dieting and she had learned to make Mountainside Fitness her second home. It was the only way that she could keep her weight in check and prevent her ass from blowing up completely. It seemed that whatever she ate, it always went straight to her hips, thighs, and butt, and if she let herself go, even just a little, her ass would end up dominating her otherwise naturally petite figure almost disproportionately.

    Her platinum ponytail swayed back and forth as she pushed herself towards the finish of her daily treadmill ritual. 14:58, 14:59, 15! Fifteen complete minutes of nonstop jogging done! She decreased the speed to a slow walk and stepped off a few moments later. Phewww! She wiped a bead of sweat from her brow, caught her breath for a second, then sat down on the bench with her bottled water.

    She looked down at her thighs and sighed. They still looked too meaty for her liking, and she wondered if perhaps all the jogging she’d been doing was making them too strong, and therefore too big. It seemed she could never win; hard work was still no match for genetics. Ignoring all the gym bros who were staring at her and pretending not to, she went into the girls locker room and stepped on the scale. Wait, what?

    ©2022 Jolene Dubois (P)2022 Jolene Dubois
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Érotisme

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