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A person stands on a subway platform, facing a train partially submerged in an underwater scene with jellyfish swimming around, creating an Audible experience that leaves more to imagine.
Press ReleasesJune 3, 2024
Audible Launches First-Ever Global Brand Campaign

"There's more to imagine when you listen" invites listeners to explore limitless worlds through audio. Immersive ads, including a commercial by multi-award-winning director Antoine Bardou-Jacquet, bridge reality and imagination through cinematic visuals.

a collage of various photos showcasing a theater performance, groups of people, a public art monument, streetscapes, and in-studios images.
HighlightsDecember 22, 2023
Audible’s Top Moments from 2023

This has been a year defined by breathtaking imagination, exciting production deals and thrilling innovation. In ten images, we share some of our biggest moments of impact from 2023.