Raw Talent

2 titres dans la série
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Sweet Spot Description

Virginia Miller is an up-and-coming tennis star. She's gone from a ratty tennis court in a park in south London, England, to the world's top training facility - Los Carlos Tennis Academy in California. In awe of the talent around her, Virginia is all the more determined to make the most of the opportunity and show that she's worthy of her place there. Her mentor, Nadia Gorlando, has every faith in her.

But Virginia finds herself distracted - Nadia, as well as being a top-notch tennis player, is seriously sexy, and Virginia's mind keeps wandering where it shouldn't. Will her crush get in the way of her career, or can she find a way to push the other woman out of her mind before it's too late?

©2016 Lucy Felthouse (P)2017 Lucy Felthouse
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Liste des produits
  • Volume 1 de la série

    Couverture de Grand Slam
    Indisponible sur Audible.fr

  • Volume 2 de la série

    Prix : 6,88 € ou 1 crédit audio

    Prix avec réduction : 6,88 € ou 1 crédit audio

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