Alex Craft

8 titres dans la série
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Meet Alex Craft, a “grave witch” who speaks with the dead, using her access to their secrets to help the police solve crimes and let troubled souls rest in peace.

A bewitching heroine who happens to be on very good terms with Death himself, Alex Craft can be a formidable enemy to anyone who has something to hide—especially killers. Valued for her ability to get dead people talking, she keeps busy in the mortal world as a consultant for the police. She’s familiar with many forms of dark magic, which sometimes puts her in danger. For instance, when she raises a “shade” involved in a high-profile murder case, it attacks her. But handling unruly spirits is only part of her troubles. Alex also has to deal with the world of Fae, powerful beings that have their own plans and mysterious plots. Despite all the obstacles and adversaries, both otherworldly and human, she encounters, Alex remains committed to fighting for justice and giving the dead a voice.

The author of this twisting urban fantasy series (and others), Kalayna Price draws her ideas from ancient mythologies, classic folklore, and the world around her. Along with the mystical elements of fantasy, her stories contain a dash of romance, a bit of horror, some humor, and lots of enticing mystery. Aside from her passion for fantasy writing, Price is an avid hula-hoop dancer who has been known to light her hoop on fire.

Emily Durante narrates all six audiobooks in the main series, starting with Grave Witch. A prolific audiobook narrator who made her acting debut at the age of seven, Durante gives Alex Craft a distinct and appealing voice that listeners can return to for each new story. Her performance brilliantly embodies Alex’s fierce and determined nature. And she nails an assortment of characters, including prickly homicide detectives, friendly ghosts, and Alex’s great love: Death.

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Liste des produits
  • Volume 1 de la série

    Couverture de Grave Witch
    Indisponible sur

  • Volume 2 de la série

    Couverture de Grave Dance
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  • Volume 2.5 de la série

    Couverture de Kicking It
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  • Volume 3 de la série

    Couverture de Grave Memory
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  • Volume 4 de la série

    Couverture de Grave Visions
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  • Volume 5 de la série

    Couverture de Grave Ransom
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  • Volume 6 de la série

    Couverture de Grave Destiny
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  • Volume 7 de la série

    Couverture de Grave War
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