
  • The Unexpected Things That Happen When You Pray With Holy Expectations
    Jun 20 2023

    What expectations do you have when you pray?

    Is your heart watchful - anticipating His reply because you know He will come through - or do you just keep praying and hoping He will come through, but not really expecting much?

    Sadly, I had placed my expectations in the wrong place and wondered why it felt like I lived in a perpetual Groundhog's Day.

    It felt like no one could tell I'd been doing so much, yet I'd been doing everything, So I asked God why.

    The answer? 

    I’d been doing everything!

    Then, God asked me what I expected from Him.

    What did I expect from God?

    My prayers have changed -

    GOD, I expect more. I expect YOU!

    That is when the unexpected answers started coming!

    One of the things that God did make clear was that I surrender this podcast for now.

    Today is June 20th. I have been telling you that I will be taking a sabbatical, and in this episode, I will share why.

    The best thing about podcasts is that they don’t disappear! 

    The 135 episodes I have already done are still there for you to enjoy and share.

    During this time, it would be lovely to get to know you! 

    You can stay in touch with me by joining my email, where we can get to know each other better.

    I will still be writing, continuing to blog, sharing devotionals, Spiritual Game Planning for upcoming events or situations, and updating on the direction God takes this ministry.  

     I’d love to know  - 

    Was there a favorite episode? 

    Is there specific way I can pray for you?

    Head over to my website, cherifletcher.com, and click Join Cheri.

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    22 min
  • An Interactive Guide to Help Fathers Transition your Sons into Manhood with Dean Briggs
    Jun 13 2023

    Isaiah 32:8 tells us that a noble man makes a noble plan, so he can stand on noble deeds.

    If we aren't giving our young men noble plans and teaching them how to make them, how do we expect our sons to become men that stand on noble deeds?

    As Father’s Day approaches, I chose a guest that would highlight one of the most important works that God has called Fathers to complete.

    My guest, Dean Briggs, a father and stepfather to 7 boys, has carried the weight of this important mission heavily on his shoulders knowing that there are only a few brief years in which men can guide their sons into manhood. 

    Dean will share with us:

    • The Virtues of Manhood
    • How to help boys grow up to be godly men
    • Highlights from his book: Brave Quest - An Interactive Journey for Young Men to Help Them Build A Godly Character

    This book is a great resource for fathers looking for a fatherhood Spiritual Game Plan!

    If you know someone who would enjoy this powerful rite-of-passage system for fathers and sons, be sure to share this and encourage them!

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    34 min
  • Defining the Man of God Your Family Needs Today More Than Ever Before with Brant Hansen
    Jun 6 2023

    In our world, there has been a decline in outward manliness to the point where people say that chivalry is dead, but what makes up a “real man”?

    In some cases, a man is defined as a "real man" based on his interests or hobbies, such as hunting, playing sports, grilling meat, fixing cars, and climbing mountains, but that is not the purpose of a man.

    In this episode, my guest, Brant Hansen, talks us through the godly definition of men and God’s purpose for them.  

    Brant emphasizes that manhood is not about being the stereotypical manly or outdoorsman. He believes there should be a vision of masculinity that is beautiful and awesome rather than the toxic and domineering idea of masculinity.

    He will share his thoughts on:           

    • What a “real man” really is
    • Toxic Masculinity
    • Being “Keepers of the Garden”

    As we celebrate Father's Day this month, I wanted to devote this episode to the "real men" in our lives and offer some tips on how we can lift them up as wives, mothers, sisters, and mentors.

    Can you think of a man in your life who might benefit from reaffirming his purpose?

    Be sure to share and encourage them!

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    44 min
  •  How God Uses Unexpected Seasons: God's Plan for Mothering a Disabled Child with Jullian Benfield
    May 30 2023

    When unexpected events change the trajectory of our lives, we have a choice to make:

    Do we overcome the unexpected, as the world recommends, or undergo it?

    In this episode, Jillian Benfield talks about her experience finding out she was going to have a child with disabilities and her new book -  The Gift of the Unexpected - Discovering Who We Were Meant to Be When Life Goes Off Plan.

    She will help us break down the following:

    • False beliefs we’ve built around God and our identity. 
    • How we cannot avoid our pain, but how we can learn to feel it in a way that is healing. 
    • Discover how our internal transformation leads to external purpose when we undergo the unexpected.

    God uses the unexpected to disorient us from a culture that values the prosperity gospel (control) and the American dream (achievement).

    Through His surprising gifts, believers learn how to relate to others' pain and realize how valuable and significant they are.

    Jillian wants you to know that -  “No matter what you’re going through, you’re invited to open this gift: The Gift of the Unexpected!” 

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    39 min
  • How to Balance Caring for Your New Baby and Caring for Yourself with Rachael Elmore
    May 23 2023

    As a new mother, what questions did you receive the first few days after giving birth?

    You are not alone if you were asked more questions about the baby than how you were.

    Maybe we'll get a pat on the back or hear, "Good job, Mama!" But what we need is a “How are you?”!!

    There is so much excitement around the birth of the new member of your family that people tend to overlook the major experience you have just gone through.

    Rachael Elmore, a Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor Supervisor, shares her personal and professional experiences from her book A Mom Is Born: Biblical Wisdom and Practical Advice for Taking Care of Yourself and Your New Baby.

    When she had her first baby, she wanted others to know that “the baby wasn’t the only one born that day—so was I.”

    Rachael believes that not everyone needs therapy, but everyone can benefit from it. 

    In This Episode, She Will:

    •  Answer two listeners' questions about postpartum
    •  Tell us the difference between the baby blues and PPD/PPA 
    •  Help you find the balance between caring for your new baby and caring for yourself. 

    Being an empty nest mother, I understand if you don't think that this show is for you - But 

    I hope this message will be a resource you can use to help a young mom, use it as a gift for a daughter or daughter-in-law, or give you some grace if you missed out on these resources when you were experiencing postpartum.

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    47 min
  • A Gentle Invitation for Mothers, God is Waking You Up to the Life You Really Want with Anjuli Paschal
    May 16 2023

    How have you filled in these blanks?

    “Someday” when I don’t have to ___________, then I will _________.

    Like me, you might need more blanks! 

    Having finally reached my "someday," while I'm enjoying the things I've been looking forward to, I often think back on those days when I was doing all of those things I'd wished away and wish I had taken time to enjoy them. 

    As a young mother, I seemed to be navigating my life one task at a time. I daydreamed about a life I believed would be more fulfilling instead of being awake and in the moment.

    During this episode, Anjuli Paschall describes what it's like to feel the underlying anxiety that you are missing out on the good life, to zone out, to swipe up, to be slimming down, to be working harder, and to spin in circles with the anxiety of not living life to the fullest.

    That was something Anjuli wanted to change! Knowing she loved people fearlessly and walked with God faithfully. 

    In addition, she wants to believe that she is loved and even liked.

    Anjuli is going to tell us how she discovered that the full life isn’t found by chasing it. It’s found by coming awake to it, and she wants you to live a soul-awake life too!

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    35 min
  • How Classic Books Can Be A Blueprint to Overcome Fear and Recapture Joy with Jennifer Pepito
    May 9 2023

    In your mothering journey, which books from children's classic literature do you turn to for help?

    That one made me stop and think for a while. Of course, there are plenty of “how to” books for mothering. However, I had never considered looking back at my childhood stories... until now!

    As moms, we face so many struggles and fears. Is what we're doing enough? How will our kids turn out? As we face these fears, we wonder what we can do.

    My guest on this episode is Jennifer Pepito, a writer, and mother of seven! Despite her desire to raise a strong family, fear stole her joy as a mother. 

    Likewise, she has asked herself whether what she was doing was the right thing for her children.

    Then, she discovered her joy in an unexpected place! It was in the pages of classic literature that she read aloud to her children every day. 

    Through these stories, she restored the wonder of childhood to both herself and her children.

    As Jennifer explains in her book, Mothering by the Book, we can use those lessons to overcome our fears.

    Jennifer will share lessons from three of my favorite classics:

    • Focusing on the positive from: Little House on the Prairie Series
    • Speaking Life to those around you from: Charlotte’s Web
    • Taking time to reflect from: Pride & Prejudice


    "Becoming a better, happier mom starts with the stories you tell your kids.”

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    33 min
  • The Surprising Reason Why "Just" the Mother is Actually Such High Praise
    May 2 2023

    Hello,  I’m Cheri Fletcher

    I would love to wish a Happy Mother’s Day to every woman who has a mothering or a mentoring role in someone’s life.  

    I'm glad you're here if you’re new to my page.

    And if you’ve been around here a while, you know that I love reminding you that -  



    Today, I will share my journey as a mom and how I struggled for years to feel like I was nothing more than my role.

    I pray that by sharing God's plan for me and the plot that the enemy used to try and stop it, you’ll be surprised why being  "Just" the mother God made you be is actually such high praise!

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    21 min