Couverture de You Know It Makes Sense Podcast

You Know It Makes Sense Podcast

  • Résumé

  • Welcome to the You Know It Makes Sense Podcast with AGZ & Sonny Green! Join us as we explore life's journeys, from friendships and personal growth to entrepreneurship and the arts. With raw authenticity and humour, we discuss a range of topics that resonate with everyone. Each episode is filled with genuine conversations and insights, edited and recorded by us. Tune in and join the conversation - because you know it makes sense!
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    • You Know It Makes Sense Podcast - Episode 01: "My Mum Ain’t Peng!"
      Jun 29 2024

      Join AGZ & Sonny Green as they kick off the You Know It Makes Sense Podcast! Dive into real talk about life, friendships, overcoming challenges, entrepreneurship, and more. With their trademark humour and authenticity, AGZ and Sonny keep it raw and relatable. Tune in for laughs, music, money talks, and life lessons. Because you know it makes sense!

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      55 min

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