• What is amnesia?

  • May 31 2022
  • Durée : 53 min
  • Podcast

  • Résumé

  • We learn that Jon hates being wheeled around and we can’t resist making bad jokes about colonoscopies. Oh, and pain? What is that? Would you care about it if you could forget about it?

    AI’s Summary

    Could your most vivid memories be hiding in the shadows of amnesia? We invite you to a mind-bending exploration of memory loss, where the lines between reality and the forgotten are blurred. Our guest shares a compelling story that may just untangle the intricate web between traumatic memories and self-destructive actions, painting a nuanced picture of the human psyche. We'll wade through the waters of forgetfulness and compare it to the vast ocean of more severe conditions such as Alzheimer's, all while debunking Hollywood's portrayal of amnesia with a dose of psychological insight.

    Ever wondered how your perception shifts under the haze of anesthesia? The sensation of lucidity amidst medical procedures can be as perplexing as the disconnect that follows once the drugs wear off. Join me as I recount the surreal experience of being wheeled into an operating room, fully aware yet curiously detached. We'll also share a hearty laugh over the curious ways we humans narrate our pain, from enduring the agony of gallstones to grappling with the highs and lows of physical therapy for sports injuries.

    Lastly, we're not shy to tiptoe along the tantalizing edge of science fiction as we ponder the potential of memory erasure. Could a "Men in Black" gadget ever truly erase the shadows cast by trauma, or does the body harbor secrets that the mind cannot recall? And for those with a taste for the unknown, we'll cap off with a whimsical jaunt into the dark web—a place as enigmatic as the mind itself. So, prepare for a lively session that balances the profound with the playful, beckoning you to unravel the complexities of memory, pain, and the digital labyrinth.


    DSM-V 300.12

    Jacob’s Ladder Gurney Scene

    Silence of the Lambs

    Louis CK at the Dentist

    Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind


    (00:01) Understanding Amnesia and Memory Loss

    (07:13) Confusion After Medical Procedure

    (21:20) Exploring Trauma and Pain Management

    (29:02) Navigating Pain and Panic Responses

    (43:23) Memory Erasure and Trauma Effects

    (53:28) Exploring the Dark Web

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