Couverture de Unkle Teddybear Cooks

Unkle Teddybear Cooks

De : Unkle Teddybear
  • Résumé

  • Food. We need it to live. We need it to taste good. We need to enjoy it. My Name is Ken Armstrong. My neices and nephews call me Unkle Teddybear. Yes uncle with a k. Come with me on this journey as I talk about my life in culinary, from schooling to now. I'll also have interviews as time goes on and audio reviews of establishments my family and I visit, which will also have video posted to YouTube. Thanks for listening.
    Unkle Teddybear
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    • A Short Intro
      Jun 25 2024
      A short intro to Unkle Teddybear Cooks. A new food podcast where we talk about food. Yes, another food podcast. But im hoping to be different. This will be really informal. Just like sitting around a table with friends and talking. We will explore food trends that have come and gone, the foods we grew up with and where we think the hospitality industry is going. Thanks for listening.
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      6 min

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