• The humor perspective: Bringing it into wellness

  • Oct 3 2014
  • Durée : 56 min
  • Podcast

Couverture de The humor perspective: Bringing it into wellness

The humor perspective: Bringing it into wellness

  • Résumé

  • Join me as I welcome Derick Lengwenus and Dr. Karla Steingraber to discuss humor from the perspectives of a stand-up/improvisational comedian and a clinical psychologist. Mr. Lengwenus brings his award winning humor to this show about how the experience of humor and Dr. Steingraber, a licensed clinical psychologist, brings her clinical background and experience to provide information as to how humor can help us move forward in our day-to-day lives. We'll explore what is humor, the effects of humor, how to bring humor into one's day-to-day life, obstacles and misconceptions to humor, and hopefully, have some laughs along the way.
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