Couverture de The Way We HNC It: A Flag Football Show

The Way We HNC It: A Flag Football Show

De : The Way We HNC It
  • Résumé

  • Welcome to The Way We HNC It, a flag football show. Home of hot takes, predictions and analysis of all things in the flag football world from our home base in Scotland. Join Bez (@bezthinks), Greg (@simba.1988) & Tree (@stuarttreeanderson) for all the gossip, guests and excitement they can muster.
    The Way We HNC It
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    • S8E12: Midseason Review
      Jun 28 2024

      Two BAFA Gameweeks, Claddagh Bowl and a new BAFA CEO since we were on the air, so there's lots to talk about on this weeks big show.

      There's World Championships and National Team chat with the ongoing fundraiser here and crucially, Bez talks through his recent blog post and some of his favourite responses at the time of recording.


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      1 h et 44 min
    • S8E11 - Flag Football Home and Away
      May 24 2024

      There's been flag football all over the continent these past few weeks and we are back to talk about it all.

      From Prague Perfection and King Bowl Crowns to the goings on in every signle division of the BAFA National Flag Football League we have you covered.

      If you make it to the very end there's also big news to break about one of the biggest tournements of the coming summer.


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      1 h et 47 min
    • S8E10 - GB Gold Interview - Ollie Dyer
      Apr 30 2024
      Bez is joined in the first of our 2024 interview series by GB Golden Lion Ollie Dyer, who takes us back to the start of his flag football career and we chart a path forward to the 2024 IFAF World Championships and beyond.
      Afficher plus Afficher moins
      1 h et 8 min

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