Couverture de The Unforgotten

The Unforgotten

De : Free Range Productions
  • Résumé

  • In 1993, fishermen discovered the body of Shelley Watkins floating in the Trinity River in Texas. The young, wealthy mom had been wrapped in black plastic and weighed down by concrete blocks. Investigators say they know exactly who killed Shelley and threw her in the river. They say they have strong evidence to back up their claims. If so, why has no one ever been held accountable for Shelley's murder?
    Free Range Productions LLC 2024
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    • Introducing: The Unforgotten
      Jun 16 2024
      In 1993, fishermen discovered the body of Shelley Watkins floating in the Trinity River in Texas. The young, wealthy mom had been wrapped in black plastic and weighed down by concrete blocks. Investigators say they know exactly who killed Shelley and threw her in the river. They say they have strong evidence to back up their claims. If so, why has no one ever been held accountable for Shelley's murder? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
      Afficher plus Afficher moins
      3 min
    • 1: The River
      Jul 1 2024
      Who killed Shelley Watkins? Who wrapped her up and threw her in the Trinity River? Thirty years after Shelley's brutal murder in Corsicana, Texas, it's finally time to get some answers. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
      Afficher plus Afficher moins
      34 min

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