Couverture de The Mountain Traditions Project

The Mountain Traditions Project

De : Michael O. Snyder and Leah M. Scarpelli
  • Résumé

  • Telling stories of people carrying forward Appalachian traditions in our rapidly changing world.
    © 2023 Michael O. Snyder and Leah M. Scarpelli
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    • 10. The Pawpaw Cultivator
      Apr 26 2021

      Neal Peterson is a plant geneticist who has been breeding pawpaw trees for over 45 years, and has come up with seven varieties of his own. At his home in Harper's Ferry, West Virginia, Peterson says the pawpaw is the largest edible fruit native to North America, but it has never been cultivated so you won't find it in grocery stores.

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      17 min
    • 9. The Cider Pressers
      Apr 26 2021

      At Tom Dodd's home along the South Branch of the Potomac River in Greenspring, West Virginia, he and his friend JP Roby hold their annual cider-pressing party.

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      9 min
    • 8. The Old-Time Musicians
      Apr 26 2021

      Father and daughter Pete Hobbie and Dakota Karper are part of a group of musicians who play together at the Cabin in Hampshire County, West Virginia. They talk about old-time music, how they started playing, and the music genre's future.

      Afficher plus Afficher moins
      17 min

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