Anna Jarrett is an internationally acclaimed storyteller, inspirational speaker,published author, recording artist, story consultant, teacher, trainer, writer andoutdoor guide, living on the south coast NSW, on Yuin country. With 35 years ofexperience in creative arts, performance, media production and education, Anna hasbeen a featured teller at storytelling events in USA, Singapore, New Zealand andaround Australia. Most recently Anna has focussed her projects close to home,developing a body of writing, community programs and photography work around thetheme of ‘Wild’, and exploring the essence of magic in natural landscapes andstoryscapes.As a Story Consultant, Anna designs and delivers custom programs for communityand organisational clients, specialising in storying content for communityengagement and education. Her work spans a wide range of story subjects andtakes many forms including films, books, guided tour scripts, museum audioinstallations, interpretive signs, live performances and photography exhibitions.Combining her passions for nature, indigenous perspectives, south coast ecology,education, community building and travel, Anna is creating new narratives andstorytelling that expresses multilayered and multi-media stories for our times. Herwork is respectfully inspired from traditional oral cultural stories, lived experiences,Australian landscapes and histories, memories, dreams, imagination andconversations with creatives and educators.More information:Watch Anna storytelling: Anna's work with storytelling in education, as a contributing writer to'Storytelling Pedagogy in Australia and Asia', edited by Louise Gwenneth Phillips,Thao Thi Phuong Nguyen. Palgrave MacMilllan 2021 Anna's Artist Talk for her photography exhibition 'WIld! Patterns in Nature' Tags:Story Consultant, Storyteller, Trainer, Speaker, Author, Writer, Photographer,Recording Artist, Teacher, Communicator, Creative, Outdoor Guide,#storytelling #wildwalks #creativecommunications #caringforcountry #myth #imagination#culturalheritage #deepecology #education #nature #community #Yuincountry #artisttalks #narrative #fairytales #magic #conservation #community engagement #natureconnection #socialaction #changemaker #earth stories #naturalheritage #media #environment #shorebirds
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